New Groups Information

Hello all, just to tell you that we have several new groups either starting up or re-starting, that might be of interest. Take a look at the New Groups page: we have Environmental, Tai Chi, and Jazz Appreciation, as well as Calligraphy, along with 3Bs Radio.

BU3A Current Affairs Group – Relaunch

Buckingham U3A Current affairs group will relaunch on Tuesday 5th December 2023 at 10am in the Vinson Building cafe area at Buckingham University.

The session scheduled for 1 hour will focus on a specific topic with a topic lead, and it is anticipated that each member will have the opportunity to lead on a topic.

Anyone  interested in joining the group can contact the group joint coordinators; Steve Graham and Gerry Loftus at their email address.  Further details can be seen on our Groups listing which is here.