Health & Safety; Risk Assessments


Risk Assessments – See Forms on Right

National U3A guidance on Risk Assessments is that Group coordinators should carry out Risk Assessments/Checklists prior to commencing a group meeting – members are entitled to assume that a U3A activity they are invited to take part in is safe for them to do so.

The best way to ensure this is to undertake a Risk Assessment/Checklist which will allow you to identify and deal with any obvious danger as well as recording the process you have been through.  Risk Assessments/Checklists will vary in complexity depending on the activity being assessed.

Please remember you are not expected to be an expert in compiling such documents but it is correct for common sense to be applied to each activity to ensure any obvious dangers are dealt with.

Remember in exceptional circumstances, one possible outcome of undertaking a Risk Assessment/checklist is that the activity does not take place.

If the activity is an unusual or new one that involves potential hazards, it may be necessary to refer to the Third Age Trust to ensure it can be covered by the Insurance Policy.  If the activity is not one that can be covered, then it cannot go ahead.

Health & Safety with regard to Electrical Equipment (such as the items supplied by Technical Support) for use in groups is covered on the Technical Guides page.

It is the responsibility of the Group coordinator to complete the appropriate Risk Assessment forms, and to ensure that members have completed the personal assessment, but they do not need to see them.

Should an incident occur, then it should be reported to the Group Liaison Officer, and a completed copy of the Incident Report form also sent to the Secretary for filing, in case of a claim arising in future.

Please also read our published Health & Safety Policy which is also on this page.

BU3A Health & Safety Policy

U3A Risk Assessment FAQs Sept22-2


U3A-KMS-FRM-016 Personal Members’ Checklist (Pre-attendance)

BU3A Risk Assessment Venue Form

U3A Incident Report form Template word format