Annual Fees
New Members
Existing Members Login
Annual Fees:
1.Standard £15.00, or
2. Associate £11.00 provided you are a current member of another U3A (please provide the name and membership number for your main U3A on your application).
Membership runs from 1st October – 30th September. For those joining after 1st July, their membership is extended until 30th September the following year. Apart from these, there are no other concessions for joining part way through the year, or for joint membership.
There are two ways to pay your fees:
1. Bank transfer – you will receive full details once you have joined. If renewing an existing membership you will receive a notification close to the renewal date.
2.Cheque to Buckingham & District U3A may be handed-in at Open Meetings. For sending cheques in the post, please contact the Membership Secretary.
New Members:
We are always delighted to welcome new members. This Welcome link is the best place to start if you would like to know more about our organisation.
There are three ways to join:
- On-line (preferred method, saves on paperwork, immediate registration and email acceptance). Note that you need an Email Address to join online. You will be advised by email how to pay your fee. Click join
- Off-line. Download and print the application form (PDF file), fill in the details, sign the form and post it to us with your cheque, or inform us if you are paying your fee by setting up a Standing Order or Bank transfer. If you have Acrobat Reader, you can sign and fill PDF forms electronically by clicking the tab “Sign” in the Reader, and then email the form. Otherwise as above.
- In person at the Open Meeting held on the 4th Wednesday of each month (except August and December) in the Buckingham Community Centre at 2:30 p.m. Collect the form, fill in, sign and pay with a cheque, or let us know if paying by Standing Order or Bank transfer.
Annual Renewals:
All active members are notified on 1st September when and how to renew. Former members whose membership is lapsed may re-join at any stage by contacting the Membership Secretary by email to Membership Secretary.