Category Archives: Membership

2025 – a New Year – time to Learn, Laugh, and Live!

Hello all and welcome to 2025, the start of a New Year, with new opportunities for you to explore.  If you are planning to retire or semi retire do come and join us for new activities, a chance to make new friends, and enjoy yourself!  If joining on your own or with a partner you should find something new and interesting to do.  If you have any ideas for new groups or want to start one yourself, please get in touch following the details on the New Groups page.

Our first Open Meeting of the year will be on Wednesday 22nd January at the Community Centre, doors open at 2.15 with a speaker at 2.30 followed by refreshments.  We look forward to welcoming you there.

Events – AGM and Social

Any of our members wishing to notify attendance for the AGM or for the Christmas Social should go to the Events page drop down below Open Meetings and follow the instructions under the appropriate Event to go to the login page.   Alternatively they can email the Event organiser who sent their invitation.